Girl scouts

Experience Scuba
Through Girl Scouts
Click HERE to join a class already scheduled through Girl Scouts of Central Texas.
We schedule custom classes for a minimum of four scouts. Contact our Girl Scout instructors at girlscoutscubadivers@gmail.com for details on custom classes.
Dive With Me
Minimum Age: 10
Program Time: 2 hours
Experience Scuba Diving! This pool only adventure takes you diving in our heated pool with a professional. So start creating memories that last a lifetime.
This program is great for parent and scout to participate in together or for busy troops that that are looking for a unique evening event.
Discover Scuba:
The Ocean Guardian Experience
Minimum Age: 10
Program Time: 8 hours
Are your scouts interested in marine science and conservation? Scuba divers love the underwater world and seek to protect it as citizen scientists. Get a taste of what it is like to be a part of scuba’s citizen science community through the Ocean Guardian Experience and spend the afternoon scuba diving with a professional in the pool after learning a few basic concepts of scuba diving.
Discover Scuba:
Our Underwater World
Minimum Age: 10
Program Time: 4 hours
Do you love dolphins? Or turtles? Seals? Maybe sharks? They all need our help to live in a healthy ocean. Spend some time learning about the state of our oceans. Then learn some basic rules about breathing underwater and scuba dive in the pool with a Professional. (This experience provides more time in the pool than the Dive With Me program.)
Open Water Certification
Minimum Age: 12
Program Time: 4 full days
Start creating memories that will last a life time. Get certified as an Open Water Scuba Diver! Your PADI professional Instructors will make underwater exploration and adventure safe and fun while introducing the skills and knowledge needed to dive with confidence in your abilities.
The first weekend you will be diving in the pool and reviewing your completed Knowledge Reviews (homework) from the Open Water Diver Manual. The second weekend you will go on four scuba dives in the surrounding area to show that you are comfortable diving and doing your skills in an open water environment.