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Assistant Instructor





Duration:  minimum of 3 days/ approximately 35 hours


The  (AI) Assistant Instructor course is the first part of an (IDC) Instructor Development Course which is divided into Two Parts – AI and OWSI (Open Water Scuba Instructor). It is a great option for PADI Divemasters who want to gain additional knowledge and skills to act as a more effective certified assistant.  The course teaches you how to introduce new knowledge and skills independently or with minimal supervision.   


Presenting knowledge portions of the Coral Conservation and Project AWARE Specialties are covered to prepare you to teach these programs. l You learn how to conduct open water dives for courses you can teach, such as the Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty.


Successful completion of the AI course allows you to:

  • Present the knowledge development for any PADI Diver course under an instructor's indirect supervision.

  • Present initial skills training under the instructor's direct supervision during confined water dives.

  • Conduct open water surface skill evaluations during the O/W Diver course under the instructor's indirect supervision

  • Teach and certify Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty Diver under the direction of an instructor

  • Independently teach the Project AWARE Specialty

  • Independently teach the Coral Reef Conservation Specialty course

  • Independently  conduct Discover Scuba Diving in a pool or confined water

  • Independently conduct Bubblemaker programs

  • Independently conduct PADI Seal Team Aquamissions

  • Teach and certify divers in specialty courses that don’t include dives after completing Specialty Instructor Training and earning the Specialty rating for that Specialty

  • After completing Specialty Instructor Training in Digital Underwater Photography, teach this course under the direction of an Instructor

  • After completing an Emergency First Response Instructor Training Course, independently teach the EFR Primary and Secondary course, Care for Children course, and CPR and AED course. Note:  To be certified as a PADI Instructor, you will need to be an EFR Instructor or equivalent.


  •  PADI Divemaster OR  leadership-level certification in good standing with another recognized recreational diver training organization with 60 logged dives documenting experience in night, deep and navigation diving. (100 logged dives to attend the IE)

  • 18 years old

  • Medical clearance signed by a physician within the previous 12 months

  • Certified diver for at least 6 months

  • Completed EFR Primary and Secondary Care course, or other qualifying training within the past 24 months

  • Complete the  PADI DM course diver rescue skills assessment if not a PADI Divemaster

  • Documentation of any non-PADI certifications


Scheduling Options


1. Take the Assistant Instructor course along with IDC candidates during the IDC dates and complete only those workshops and presentations that are required for AI certification.

  • March 20,21,22,23

  • May 8,9,10,11

  • June 26,27,28,29  

  • August  1,2,3,4

  • October 16,17,18,19

2. Schedule a 4-day Assistant Instructor course

3. Schedule a more relaxed pace program.​


Materials Required

Course fee includes IDC Digital Crew Pack 

*See the entire list of required IDC materials download below


Not Included

  • PADI Application Fees

  • Required Training Materials beyond what is included in IDC Digital Crew Pack #60234

  • Scuba Kit (BCD, Regulator, Wetsuit, Hood, Gloves, Dive Computer, and other gear besides Tanks/Air Fills & Weights; Although gear packages are available)

  • Open Water Diving Entrance Fees (Windy Point/Spring Lake) 

  • Emergency First Response or Emergency First Response Instructor


Course Curriculum

Candidates complete independent study through PADI IDC eLearning – 16 curriculum components


 Meet with the Course Director to complete:

  • Practical applications and workshops covering all core courses and experiences the candidate will be able to teach as an Assistant Instructor

  • Candidate teaching presentations in Knowledge Development, Confined Water and Open Water

  • Skill Evaluation – 24  demonstration quality skills

  • Exams – PADI Standards and Procedures Exam

Assistant Instructor Information Download

Required Materials List 

PADI Medical Release Form 

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